Hello readers,
It has come to my attention that you have been unable to post a comment to the articles. You might be wondering why.
Simply put, the United Nations Security Council had put temporary restrictions on further postings, pending approval by the U.N. Comment Inspection Team. This team is made up of men in fancy suits who come in with highly technical test equipment and search for comments worthy of posting. This test equipment consists of a stethoscope, toilet plunger, a transistor radio, and a box of Twinkies (even fancy government inspectors have Twinkie cravings).
They all gather around one guy who puts the stethoscope to the ground and “listens”. The other guys either tune in to the local sports broadcast on the radio, wack each other with the toilet plunger, or stuff their faces with Twinkies. You see, there is a specific reason for bringing each piece of highly technical test equipment. You probably would not have understood this, had I not told you. (Visiting the Earth to Dave! website is not only FUN, it’s EDUCATIONAL!)
After careful examination, the U.N. Comment Inspection Team ruled that there were no comments that should be banned from posting, and gave the Secuity Council a 15,831 page report stating so. After hours of debate, the coucil voted 161-1 to approve comment postings on the Earth to Dave! website (The African Republic of Ugbundu voted against it because I am always making fun of them.)
Little did this team know, I had buried all the comments in the desert, never to be found. Dang I’m smart.
Anyway, if you believe this story, I know a really great doctor who can help you feel better. The truth is, I did not check a little-itty-bitty box that allowed users to REGISTER and LOG IN to leave comments. The little box has been checked, and you are now free to post comments.
Be careful what you say…the United Nations is watching, and we know THEY MEAN BUSINESS!
P.S. To post comments, you will first have to REGISTER. Look for the REGISTER link on the right side of this page and click it. You will have to create an ID and then fill in your e-mail address to receive a password. Then come back to Earth to Dave!, log in and click “remember me”. This will allow you to post whenever you like.