February 15, 2007

(A rare SERIOUS moment…*gasp!*) Earth to Dave! is heading to HAITI !


Dear Readers,

Putting aside all (wacko) humor for just a minute, I wanted to let you know that I will be away for a week with my family while we travel with others (from Georgia, Alabama and California) down to the country of Haiti to minister to some orphans there. This ministry involves months of planning and my lovely wife (and both kids) have had a passion for the orphans of Haiti for some time now. They have been down there twice, while this will be my first trip.

Since the time of inception, this trip has blossomed and grown to proportions never imagined. We began plans to take the children out of their orphange (in the dangerous neighborhood where it is located) and to a Nazarene seminary where we will put on a week-long “camp”. This will be, for many of the kids, the first opportunity for them to run, play and feel safe while having their medical, physical and spiritual needs met. Many of the kids have slept on the concrete and routinely put up with conditions that most of us would find despicable. Additionally, two smaller orphanages begged us to be involved and the size of the group of kids has grown to approximately 200!

We will be away for a week, so expect my next “musing” during the week of Feb. 25th. In the meantime, if you care to send up a prayer for us, we’d appreciate it…Haiti is a VERY dangerous place, but we’re not worried. We have someone way bigger than us looking out for us all.

Thanks, God bless, and in the meantime, KEEP SMILING!


P.S. Here’s a picture of my fabulous babe wife with one of her favorite kids in Haiti, Mario.



